
Upload videos to google drive

Google Drive is certainly one of the best cloud-based spaces for maintaining documents, videos, and photos. In this article, we will show you how you…

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Track changes in Google Docs

Google docs had introduced the new feature of tracking its changes in 2014. You can track changes while collaborating or editing the work of others.…

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Sort Gmail by sender

Gmail is the first email service that comes to our mind. It’s prompt, reliable and comes with a lot of features too. People who receive…

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Edit a pdf in Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud storage space that’s provided by Google Inc. One can upload documents, pictures, videos, and everything else to Google drive. Google…

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subtract in Google sheets

Google sheets offer various features and options enabling people to perform mathematical tasks and obtain correct results. When you subtract numbers in real life, it’s…

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round in google sheets

If you have to reduce the value of data entered in Google sheets by a specific number of decimal places, the round function of Google…

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make a scatter plot in google sheets

Google sheets have become an extremely convenient tool for users. It provides a lot of functions and features for people to use. One such useful…

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insert multiple rows in google sheets

Google sheets allow users to add rows in the middle, bottom, and at the beginning of the sheets as per their requirement. You can also…

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make a histogram in google sheets

If you need to show data distribution of a huge range in several groups, you can take the help of histograms. Histograms sort data and…

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search in Google Sheets

Google Sheets is currently one of the best spreadsheet programs out there. It is packed with tons of features that make storing, maintaining, and processing…

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