Earlier, Google docs provided the users to only share relevant contact information via the document comment option in the Docs. But later, the advancements in the settings of the application have provided the users with the option to embed a contact card containing multiple options to contact a person through Google Docs. Having a contact card embedded comes in handy to the person receiving the document and the process of embedding a contact card is extremely simple too. You can also mention the names of the persons with whom you want to share the document in a single step.
How to embed a contact card in Google Docs?
Step 1. Open the Google Docs application on your device.
Step 2. Choose the document in which the embedding has to be carried out.
Step 3. Spot the blank space where the contact card has to be embedded and type the @ symbol in that space.
Step 4. From the drop-down menu, choose the people section to find the person whose contact information you are planning to share. Or else, start typing the contact name of the person after the @ symbol to get the contact information right away.
Step 5. Click on the contact information of the required person.
Step 6. On clicking the name of the person, a pop-up screen appears on the right side of the screen which informs that the mentioned people are not notified of the action, but the user can give access to them at any point in time.
Step 7. Click on the Share option present at the bottom of the pop-up.
Step 8. On clicking the Share option, another pop-up screen with several customization options on sharing the contact information appears. The users can choose the required options accordingly.
Step 9. Click on the Share option at the bottom of the pop-up.
Step 10. Give the required permissions as and when they appear.
Step 11. A notification on the status of the contact card embedded will appear at the bottom left of the screen.
Step 12. Now the contact card is embedded in the chosen space of the document.
Step 13. The document users can now simply move the cursor onto the contact card to reveal the smart chip embedded in it.
Step 14. The user can add the contact information to his or her contacts by simply clicking on the Add to Contacts icon present at the top right corner of the smart chip.
Step 15. On placing the cursor on the email-id in the contact card, an icon to copy the email comes up too.
Step 16. At the bottom left of the smart chip, there is an option for a detailed view of the contact card is available.
Step 17. Multiple interaction options are also present at the bottom of the contact card that can be used to call, message, or mail the person directly. The user can even schedule a meeting with the person on the contact card.