How to Send Zip File in Gmail?

How to Send Zip File in Gmail?

One of the major problems faced by Gmail users is the restriction of attachment file size that they religiously follow. Gmail only supports files of a maximum of 25MB to be sent to another user as attachments. This causes the bigger files to be automatically uploaded to google drive by the user and get shared as drive file links. Although it sounds convenient, there are some practical problems inherent to this feature. If the receiver is not familiar with the working of a google drive, or if the sender has not customized his or her google drive to be shared with another person, the receiver might not be able to view and use the files that were sent their way. This is why the traditional way of sending the larger files as a single zip file is used. 

How to create a zip file?

Step 1. Open the file manager in the concerned device.

Step 2. Open the folder that stores the files to be zipped.

Step 3. Select the files to be zipped.

Step 4. Right-click on the files and find the Send To option from the drop-down menu.

Step 5. Click on the Send To option and from the menu that appears, choose the Compressed Zipped Folder option.

Step 6. A dialogue box appears that shows the status of the compressing procedure. Once the process is finished, the zip file is successfully created.

How to send the created zip file through Gmail?

Step 1. Open the concerned Gmail account on the device.

Step 2. Click on the compose option to start writing an email.

Step 3. When clicked on the Compose option, a box to write the message appears. Enter the recipient’s email address and the message to be sent in the prescribed spaces on the box.

Step 4. Once finished with the writing of the message, find the Attachment option that looks like a paper clip at the bottom of the Compose box.

Step 5. Locate the zipped file that has to be attached and click open.

Step 6. Now press the Send option on the bottom of the Gmail Compose dialogue box.

How to send files that cannot be zipped or compressed?

There are instances possible when the file to be sent cannot be compressed or even after compression, occupies more than 25 MB. In such instances, the sending has to be done via google drive links.

Step 1. Open the Gmail account on the device.

Step 2. Click on the Compose option to start composing an email.

Step 3. Enter the email address of the recipient in the prescribed space in the Compose box that appears.

Step 4. Click on the Attach option that locates at the bottom of the Compose box to attach the required files.

Step 5. Choose the files that have to be sent and then click Open.

Step 6. A dialogue box appears which contains the status of conversion of the file into a google drive link.

Step 7. Once the conversion and attachment finish, click Send on the email composing box.