How to split cells in Google Sheets

How to split cells in Google Sheets

When you are working with large volumes of data, slicing and dicing are quite common. If you work in a financial department, you would know the drill.

One of the very common tasks done by a lot of people is to split a cell in Google Sheets. Let’s say, you have a name and you want to split the first and the last name into separate columns, you will use this feature.

The good thing is it is quite easy to split a cell in Google Sheets. It may sound a little difficult in the beginning, especially to those working with Google Sheets for the first time.

If you are here to learn how to split cells in Google Sheets, we have got your back. In the post below, we have provided a step-by-step guide to help you out. Just follow the steps and you will know what to do. The steps are very easy to follow.

Steps to split cells in Google Sheets:

  1. Open Google Sheets
  2. Consider you have the dataset as shown below where you have the names and you want to split these names into first and last names.
Steps to split cells in Google Sheets
  1. Now, to split the name we will use the SPLIT() function by writing =SPLIT(A2,” ”) 

Here in the formula, we have split the cell A2 by the space as a  delimiter to separate those values.

How to split cells in Google Sheets
  1. Just drag the cell by the blue square and the formula will be applied to all the cells:
How to split cells in Google Sheets