People who regularly works with Google Sheets, especially enterprises often come across the curious case of decimal numbers. Most often, the values or prices of things and products culminate into decimal numbers. While it is better to have decimal numbers in terms of accuracy, the impression they give to the readers of the sheet is mostly overwhelming. The sheet may look quite complicated and tiring and this could cause the visual appeal of the sheet to lose.
It is to combat this scenario of decimal numbers that the process of rounding numbers is present in the Google Sheets. It is the process in which the decimal numbers are rounded up to the nearest whole number, which removes the complexity from the sheet. Generally, the decimal places are rounded up to the same number of digits after the decimal.
Another issue with decimal numbers is that they are quite distorted in terms of the number of decimal positions maintained. They do not follow any uniformity when it comes to the number of digits present after the decimal. This causes a sense of non-uniformity across the sheet and the sheet may appear as chaotic and non-symmetrical. So, the rounding up process enable the sheet to appear both uniform and symmetric, which positively contributes to the visual appeal of the material.
Numerous methods are available to round up the decimal numbers in Google Sheets. Among them, a few are mentioned in detail below.
How to round numbers in Google Sheets?
Method 1. The ROUND Function
Step 1. Open the Google Sheet application in the device.
Step 2. Click open the sheet to work on.
Step 3. Enter the necessary values that has to be rounded off.
Step 4. Click on the cell that ahs to be rounded off.
Step 5. Click on the Insert option of the top menu bar.
Step 6. From the drop-down menu that appears, click on the Function option.
Step 7. From the options appear, click on the Math option.
Step 8. From the next set of options, click on the ROUND Option.
Step 9. A formula appears on the chosen cell.
Step 10. Drag the formulae to the other cells using the Fill Handle feature.
Step 11. Press Enter and the decimal numbers can be seen as rounded.
Method 2. The ROUNDDOWN Function
The ROUNDDOWN Function comes with the =ROUNDDOWN (number, count) syntax, whereas the number stands for the number to be rounded and count stands for the number of decimal places to be removed.
If the ‘count’ part is avoided in the syntax, the target number would be rounded up to the nearest integer.
Step 1. Open the Google Sheets application on the device and click open the sheet to work with.
Step 2. Enter the required values into the sheet.
Step 3. Click the cell that has to be rounded out.
Step 4. Click the Insert option in the top menu bar.
Step 5. Click on the Function option from the drop-down menu that appears.
Step 6. Choose the Math option from the options that appear.
Step 7. Click on the ROUNDDOWN Function.
Step 8. A dialogue box appears on the bottom of the chosen cell and a formula appears inside the cell.
Step 9. Drag the formulae to the cells situated next to the chosen cell.
Step 10. The decimal digits are now optimized into having the same number of digits after the decimal.
Method 3. The ROUNDUP Function
The ROUNDUP function works quite similar to that of a ROUND function. It helps the user to round the digits upward. As it is mostly similar to the ROUND function, the syntax or the formulae of this function is also the same. The formulae for ROUNDUP function are =ROUNDUP (Value, (Places)).
The procedure to enable the ROUNDUP function is quite similar to that of the ROUND function and the ROUNDDOWN function.
Step 1. Open the Google Sheets application on the device and open the sheet that has to be worked on.
Step 2. Enter the values that has to be rounded up into the opened Google sheet.
Step 3. Select the cells that have to be rounded up and then click on the Insert option at the top menu bar.
Step 4. From the drop-down menu that appears, find the Function option and click on it. From the options that appear, choose the Math option and then click on the ROUNDUP option.
Step 5. The syntax of the function appears on the sheet. Now press Enter and the values would have rounded up.