How to Use the SUMIF Function Horizontally in Google Sheets?

How to Use the SUMIF Function Horizontally in Google Sheets?

SUMIF is one of the popular functions in Google Sheets that let the user find the sum of vertical columns. An appropriate formula is used to carry out the SUMOF function usually, but using the SUMIF function across the horizontal rows is a less obvious function. 

The Summing up process carried out by the SUMIF function is mostly a conditional sum. The users enter a condition that has to be followed in a particular column to calculate the total of a particular unit or value. The issue with carrying out a horizontal sum is the fact that the fields of each of the rows will be different and most of the time, it would not lead to a sensible calculation. At times, units may be missing from certain rows, and these can all further complicate the calculation.

But despite the challenges, Google Sheets does contain a provision to carry out the horizontal SUMIF function. Although it takes several steps to successfully finish the process, in the end, the burden of a complicated calculation is lifted off of the shoulders of the user.

How to use the SUMIF function horizontally in Google Sheets?

Step 1. Open your valid Gmail id.

How to Use the SUMIF Function Horizontally in Google Sheets

Step 2. Click on the Google Apps icon at the top right corner of the window to reveal the list of Google applications.

How to Use the SUMIF Function Horizontally in Google Sheets

Step 3. From the list that appears, click on the Google Sheets icon.

Step 4. Choose the sheet in which the horizontal SUMIF function has to be carried out.

Step 5. Open and enter the necessary data to carry out the SUMIF function horizontally. If the data is already existing, check the values and confirm that it is alright to proceed.

Step 6. Click on the N2 cell to calculate the total of Row A. (Concerning the example mentioned above.)

Step 7. Copy the SUMIF horizontal formula which goes like =SUMIF ($C$1:$N$1, “OK”, B2:M2) into the N2 cell. (Refer to the example)

The syntax for the SUMIF function is SUMIF (range, criterion, [sum range])

Step 8. Repeat the process in the rest of the rows or else, drag down the SUMIF formula to fill the remaining cells.

The SUMIF Function Syntax

The SUMIF Function syntax used in Google Sheets to carry out functions both vertically and horizontally is =SUMIF (range, condition, sum range). It is important to know what each element of the syntax stands for to understand and carry out the function well.

Range: Range is a single cell or a range of cells that carries a particular condition or clause, which is important for the calculation.

Condition: A condition is a particular argument that has to be applied over the entire calculation for the calculation to be accurate. 

Sum Range: Sum Range is the condition that has to be applied across a particular range of cells to define the range of cells that satisfy the Condition of the calculation. The sum range would be defined or provided along with the values of the calculation.