How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs?

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs?

The recent development of the Smart Chip feature in Google Docs has made the advanced embedding processes of the application easier than ever. It was originally intended to use to embed contacts in a Google doc but later spread on to include almost all kinds of files. Before there weren’t any possibilities to embed or include any files or events from the device to Google docs, whereas now, there are numerous embedding options for the user to choose from. The user can embed files from Google sheets, Google drive, slides, and calendars. But the only downfall is that still an entire calendar cannot be included in the Docs, but rather specific events only. Also. external files cannot be embedded in the Google Doc, but only the internal files from the device in use.

How to embed files and calendar events in Google Docs?

Step 1. Open the Google Docs application on the concerned device.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 2. Choose the document in which the embedding has to be carried out.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 3. Type in an @ symbol on any blank space of the document.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 4. A drop-down menu appears.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 5. Scroll down and choose the required option. If you need to upload a file from the device, scroll to the Files section and pick the required one.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 6. If you need a calendar event to be embedded, scroll to the Calendar events section and choose whichever one is appropriate.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 7. Simply click on the required item and it will be immediately embedded into the place where the @ symbol was typed in.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 8. The user or the people with whom the user shares the document can check what is embedded in the document by simply moving the cursor above the file.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Step 9. The users can click on the embedded file to open it. Also, multiple embedded files can be included in the same document.

What are the various actions possible in an embedded file in Google Docs?

The smart chip feature of Google Docs provides numerous options of actions that can be carried out on the embedded file or event on a document. The user need not even open the embedded file to carry out such functions which makes the operations quite convenient for the user.

Checking whether any recent changes were made to the file

Move the cursor on top of the embedded file. A smart chip appears and at the bottom of the chip, the user can find details on who the owner of the file is and whether any recent changes were made to the embedded file.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

Copying the file link

Click on the Copy Link icon present at the top of the smart chip.

How to Embed Files and Calendar Events in Google Docs

The link to the embedded file is now copied to the clipboard and can be shared like any other link.