How to Unhide Rows in Google Sheets- An Absolute Guide

How to Unhide Rows in Google Sheets- An Absolute Guide

Google Sheets has been the most popular spreadsheet application for quite a while. It is a free application powered by Google. It is available on mobile phones and desktops alike. Google Sheets sports many unique features, and the facility to hide and unhide rows is one among them.

The section below provides more information on how to unhide rows in Google Sheets and also on how to view hidden rows in the platform.

How to View Hidden Rows in Google Sheets?

When you hide rows on a Google Sheet, they appear as downward and upward arrow signs between the other rows. To view these hidden rows, you can follow the steps below.

Step 1

Open the Sheet

Step 2

You can see upward and downward arrows in between various rows. Click on any of those arrows to reveal the hidden rows.

Step 3

If you want to view the entire hidden rows of a sheet, you can click Ctrl+A to select the entire sheet. 

Step 4

Right-click on your mouse. From the options that pop up, choose the Unhide Rows option. Now all the hidden rows are visible.

How to Hide and Unhide Rows in Your Google Sheets?

You can hide a row on Google Sheets by following the given steps.

Step 1

Open your Google Sheets application.

Step 2

Open the necessary sheet.

Step 3

Select the rows that you want to hide. Right-click the mouse. Click on the Hide Row option. The selected rows are now hidden.