How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets

How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets

Formatting tools are available in abundance in Google Sheets. You won’t ever have to worry about the quality of usage, especially when it comes to converting the standard 12-hour time into the 24-hours military time format. It is a staple and easy process, one that requires a few moments of your time.

This tutorial and detailed guide explore the steps involved in using the basic built-in time formatting tool that is available on Google Sheet. Knowing the basics allow you to maintain your workflow according to the time that you indulge in, which is the military time format.

Google Sheets, like every other Google product, is very intuitive, which means that you won’t have to worry about changing things up manually without any worry or complications. This post explores how to convert time to military time format in Google Sheets in detail for you to implement in your future work.

Steps to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets:

  1. Open Google Sheets with cells with data and select the data:
How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets
  1. Next, navigate to the toolbar > Format > Numbers:
How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets
  1. Next, navigate  to  More Formats > More date and time formats:
How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets
  1. Scroll down the pop-up menu and search for the 24-hour formats:
How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets
  1. Select the desired military format and select “Apply”:
How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets
  1. The Time will change to military time successfully:
How to Convert Time to Military Time Format in Google Sheets