How to Highlight Blanks or Errors in Google Sheets?

How to Highlight Blanks or Errors in Google Sheets?

When you have a large amount of data to manage as well as organize, the best way to enhance your productivity is by using Google Sheets. If you believe only Microsoft Excel works best, you will be thrilled to find out how Google Sheets can also be a breeze. 

When you have Google Spreadsheets full of massive data, finding specific information and cells at a glance can become a hassle. If you have any empty cells due to errors or cells filled with inaccurate data, you can automatically highlight these blanks or errors in Google Sheets. 

Google Sheets offers an incredible set of features for easy data entry and analysis. One such feature that is incredibly popular amongst Google Spreadsheet users is conditional formatting. 

With conditional formatting, you can configure cells by filling in color or a specific format or font style to highlight blanks and errors in Google Sheets. The process of setting up conditional formatting for blanks or errors highlighting in Google Sheets is very simple. You can simply head to Google Sheets, sign in to Google Sheets, and then open the Google Sheet to get started! Then, follow the steps as outlined below:

Conditional formatting is a feature of Google Sheets that often comes in handy when quite a lot of data is required to be organized in the application. It enables the user to highlight selected portions and thus makes it easy for the user to identify different elements of the data including blanks and errors from the bulk of the data. There are multiple ways with which the blanks and errors can be highlighted in Google Sheet and a couple of popular ways among them are discussed below.

How to highlight blank cells on Google Sheet?

There is a feature called conditional formatting which can be used to provide highlighting instructions to the document and enable automatic highlighting of the blank cells. This lets the user has automatically filled or highlighted blank cells without having to go through the process multiple times.

Step 1. Locate the Google Sheets icon on the top of your browser and click it open.

Step 2. Choose the document that you need to work on or choose the blank document if want to work on anything new.

Step 3. Fill the document with the necessary data.

Step 4. Select the blank portion that needs to be highlighted or filled.

Step 5. Click on the Format icon on the top menu bar.

Step 6. From the drop-down menu, click on the Conditional Formatting option.

Step 7. A dialogue box appears in the right part of the screen.

Step 8. In the dialogue box, check the Apply to Range option and confirm that the cells chosen are right. If not found right, insert the right cell numbers.

Step 9. Find the Format Rules section in the dialogue box and click to reveal the options.

Step 10. Click on the Is Empty option from the ones that appear.

Step 11. From the Formatting Style section, choose the required color to fill the blanks and any other formatting needs.

Step 12. Click on the Done option at the bottom of the dialogue box after finishing the setup.

Step 13. You can see that the chosen portion of the sheet is now filled or highlighted with the selected color.

Step 14. You can also go to the Conditional Formatting option by selecting the necessary portion and then right-clicking. From the drop-down menu, choose View More Cell Actions and you can find the Conditional Formatting option there. The rest of the process is the same as mentioned above.

How to highlight errors in Google Sheet?

Step 1. Open the Google Sheet application on the device and choose the cell or cells that have to be highlighted for errors.

Step 2. Click on the Format option present in the top menu bar and choose the Conditional Formatting option from it.

Step 3. From the dialogue box that appears, find the Formatting Rules section and click to reveal the options.

Step 4.  From the options, choose the Custom Formula Is option.

Step 5. Type =ISERROR(C2) into the box that asks Value or Formula. The cell number given in the brackets is the cell that starts the highlighting.

Step 6. Click on the Done option at the bottom and the chosen cells will be highlighted for error.